Today the journey starts for the 6 of us from Oregon. We leave on a red-eye flight to meet the rest of the team in Houston tomorrow. As we make our final preparations today, we have many prayers on our heart. First we are so thankful for our supporting congregations and all who have donated both money and supplies. In our last post, we were able to share the donations gathered at Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church in Corvallis, OR, and this time, we get to share the donations gathered at St. John Lutheran Church in Darien, IL:
Besides giving thanks for all of you, we would like you to invite in prayers already being lifted up. The MOST Ministries staff sent us their prayers for us this week:
1. Father, I plead that Team 1419 will be filled with the Holy Spirit and will daily walk in his power (Ephesians 5:18; Galatians 5:16).
2. I pray that Team 1419 will speak the Word of God with boldness (Acts 4:31; Ephesians 6:19).
3. I ask that Team 1419 will present the gospel clearly to unbelievers (Colossians 4:4).
4. Father, I ask that you would open doors and hearts to receive the gospel as Team 1419 ministers in his/her place of service (Colossians 4:3).
5. I pray that you will make Team 1419 's ministry exceedingly fruitful and that you will glorify yourself through this ministry (2 Thessalonians 3:1).
6. Father, I plead that you will continually protect Team 1419 from all harm and that you would strengthen Team 1419 physically (Psalm 18:30-32).
7. Lord Jesus, grant Team 1419 peace and assurance about the care of his/her family members who are left at home (1 Peter 5:7).
8. Fill Team 1419 with your joy in all situations and let this joy sustain Team 1419 in all situations (Nehemiah 8:10).
9. Father, I pray that Team 1419 would see people and things from your perspective (Proverbs 3:5).
10. I plead that all of Team 1419 's needs-physical, emotional, and spiritual-will be met by you through your grace and power (Philippians 4:19).
11. I pray, O God, that you would raise up strong believers around Team 1419 who will encourage him/her in the tasks that you have given to him/her (Philemon 20).
12. I pray that Team 1419 would be fervent in spirit, joyful in hope, patient in tribulation and continue steadfast in prayer. I ask that you create a thankful heart in Team 1419, especially in difficult times (Romans 12:11,12; Ephesians 5:20).
And for some specific prayers from a team veteran, here are prayers sent to us by Pastor Dave this week:
Lord, move each one of us to pray daily July 12-19th for MOST team
members serving poor members of New Jerusalem Lutheran Church,
to bring the gospel of Christ crucified and resurrected to unchurched
husbands and fathers of New Jerusalem Lutheran Church and neighbors,
in particular. Pray for Andrea Medema, Cindy Matteucci, Bill Peoples,
Pastor Dave, Bob Valentine, Ray and Dianna Hart, Pastor Greg and
Diana, Adam and Audrey Strand and our leader again Lisa Marshall,
that we would walk with You, talk with You and especially listen to
what you have to say to us each day and what You want us to do to serve
the people of Quince de Julio. Enable us to remain safe and work well
together to glorify You. Blend the five of us old team members from last
year’s mission trip to Quince de Julio with the 7 new members this year.
Lord of life, move each one of us to bring the Water of Life to the people
of Quince de Julio that You place in our path to serve, be it in VBS or
hygiene training for the children in the mornings or adults in the
afternoon or in the 24 homes where Pastor Dave will share a Health
Assessment Survey and pray with and for the families and share God’s
Word through the Spanish Bible verse each family chooses out of the
Spiritual Vitamin jar. Move Pastor Dave to pray over that verse as
the Lord moves him for that family. Protect the health of each family
receiving a water filter and training from the water team. Preserve the
lives of the families and even their neighbors from the deadly results
of their contaminated water in Nicaragua through the water filters and
tippy taps to wash their hands. Enable our water filter team to joyfully
serve You by serving the people of Quince de Julio.
Thanks for praying everyone!
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